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Dickens-Mitchener & Associates: Selling Green

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Selling Green

I am proud to announce that I just sold Charlotte's first LEED certified house! And even though I have an architectural background, and my husband has LEED designations himself, I was surprised by the technology used in this house to achieve the Platinum level status. I had the opportunity to learn about some wonderful high-tech features, and how some of these can be incorporated into any house- you don't have to be building new. For example, we have all heard of rain barrels to collect water for use in watering your garden. But did you know that faucets can be retro-fitted with a low-flow valve? The result is NOT a puny dribble of water, it is a robust stream mixed with air bubbles to give you the look and feel of regular water flow. And we all know to turn off lights that are not in use. But did you know that a home can have a "whole house" remote control lighting system? In this home, when the owners are walking out the door to leave, with the push of one button they can turn off all the lights in the house. They can also preset the lights to a dimmer level to save on energy use. This system is installed by changing out the light switches in your home for programmable ones- it does not require a rewiring of your whole home! I have tank less water heaters in my own home, and I love them. I am hearing more and more stories of homeowners making that change when their old tank burns out. And then we have our crawl spaces- which I suspect for most of us are the least favorite part of our own home. Did you know that a sealed crawl space is so clean, that even the daintiest of homeowners can crawl through without seeing bug or dirt? They also help insulate the living space and they can dramatically improve the air quality in a home.

I think these are truly exciting options, and I am so glad to see that homebuilders are beginning to use these innovations, and that home buyers are responding favorably! This home was built by Banister Homes, and I represented the buyers in the transaction. Dickens-Mitchener represents a variety of builders who incorporate green building technology into their homes in Charlotte. If this interests you, contact me, Shelly Rydell at srydell@dmahomes.com. I can help you find a green home in our area, or connect you with builders who can talk to you about renovating or building using green building ideas!

Shelly Rydell
Accredited Buyer Representative
Dickens-Mitchener & Associates


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