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Dickens-Mitchener & Associates: The Power of Positive Thinking

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Power of Positive Thinking

Recently I had the opportunity to attend the North Carolina Realtor Convention in Savannah, Georgia. The weather was beautiful and the scenery was awesome as always. The speakers were very informative and the information we gathered was valuable. One speaker in particular really struck a cord with the audience. I enjoyed his message so much that I attended 2 of his sessions and recognized many of the same faces in the room back for seconds as well.

Jerry Teplitz, J.D., Ph.D spoke to us but he clearly demonstrated how negative thoughts and feelings have a dramatic impact on our physical well-being as well as our energy level and strength. We all know how a stress-filled day can drain us and how a day that, in his words, "makes our heart sing" energizes us. He also have us some very simple tools to combat negatively and change our focus with the goal of being able to live and work more successfully, create positively in the lives of others and even ward off the effects of some illnesses.

I left the seminar with the knowledge that I cannot always control what is going on around me but I can have more control over my reactions to the everyday stresses that we have in our lives. That one change in our thought process can ultimately create richer personal and business experience and give us renewed energy to accomplish anything we decide is important to us.

Paige Moody
D: 704.602.4248


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