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Dickens-Mitchener & Associates: The Dickens-Mitchener Way- Always Striving for Excellence to Set Our Company and Clients Apart

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Dickens-Mitchener Way- Always Striving for Excellence to Set Our Company and Clients Apart

Dear Dickens-Mitchener Clients,

Currently we are doing this for all of our Sellers:

1. Our team is aggressively trying to strategize to sell our listings. Due to unusual economic times for our nation and the increased stress the local banks have placed on our economy, we have to do things we have never done before in the Charlotte area.

2. Dickens-Mitchener has established a strategic planning S.W.A.T. Team to address the excessive inventory of properties on the market. This team is suggesting that we follow "The S.W.A.T. Team Plan" to set our home apart from all the other properties on the market. Our goal is to get the home SOLD!

3. S.W.A.T.= Selling With an Action Team

4. "Action is the foundational key to all success"- Pablo Picasso

Additional upcoming DMA strategic planning groups are

- The Green Team

- The Technology Task Force

- Property Management

- Education


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